This class relies heavily on internet use and research. Be sure to review the internet safety tips and other resources listed.
- Avast Antivirus Software - This is a free, reliable antivirus software that is compatible for Mac, Windows, and Android. It is a versatile antivirus software that can be used to check passwords, home network security, website security, and more.
- Dropbox - This is a file storage and sharing site that allows for content to be saved privately or shared as desired by the owner of the account.
- Google Drive - This is a file sharing site that supports a variety of file types. File sharing can be limited to a select few by invitation or done as a link. Files can also be set as open to be edited or open only to be viewed.
- Knight Cite - This course follows the APA citation and reference format.
- Stop Cyber Bullying - Cyberbullying is not tolerated at all. In order to make sure you understand everything that falls under cyberbullying, review this link.